Voices live in every finite being,
Often undivined, near silence.
Hear them!
Hear them in you! in others!
They sense truth deep in all life;
They know the things true Pilgrims stand for.
Stand out!
Come to Him without the things the world brings;
Come to Him!
As a child and as a poor man.
He had all. He gave all.

~Charles Ives

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some New Things

A couple of days ago I started letting Charlie play with his cup after eating. It seemed to take a lot of concentration...

And he didn't seem to care which side was up.

We have also been trying some chunkier food.

Oh, fine.


  1. LOVE the look of indignation on his face in that last photo! I get that look every day.

  2. He's looking so darling! Getting more intelligent by the day. Do you think the helmet is working already?

  3. The helmet isn't for intelligence, Mom. :)

    Love the pictures, Court!!

  4. I love that you've got him drinking out of a "big boy" cup. That's what my mom did, and most of us never saw a bottle or a sippy!

  5. I love his facial expression on that last pic!
