Voices live in every finite being,
Often undivined, near silence.
Hear them!
Hear them in you! in others!
They sense truth deep in all life;
They know the things true Pilgrims stand for.
Stand out!
Come to Him without the things the world brings;
Come to Him!
As a child and as a poor man.
He had all. He gave all.

~Charles Ives

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Outside Fun

Speaking of sunscreen and water...

Megan Fowler and I took the boys to City Garden last Friday.
They had a blast.

As I've been able to take him to public places it has been fun to see him respond to the older kids. He watches, wants to be close, responds to their play even if they aren't interested and copies them likes nobody's business.

We were all good and worn out. I love that kind of tired.

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