Voices live in every finite being,
Often undivined, near silence.
Hear them!
Hear them in you! in others!
They sense truth deep in all life;
They know the things true Pilgrims stand for.
Stand out!
Come to Him without the things the world brings;
Come to Him!
As a child and as a poor man.
He had all. He gave all.

~Charles Ives

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This Weekend

One of the disappointments I had moving into our house four years ago was having sliding doors on our shower. We had registered for a beautiful shower curtain, received it for our wedding, and had to return it when we got to St. Louis. After voicing my disappointment I had to drop it while other far more important issues around the house were dealt with.

Here you can see a bit of the inconvenience of having doors as opposed to a curtain (and you get to see what a cute puppy Sofie was). Besides the challenge of limited access while bathing a dog or a baby, the doors are also a constant source of dirt, mildew, finger prints, trapped humidity and other unhappy things.

Not too long ago I brought it up again. The frequency with which we bathe the baby kept my frustration constantly in mind. I was also increasingly convinced that the project would not be that involved--convenient, I know. To my surprise and great pleasure, Charlie started thinking about it, and then this weekend...

After a little of this...

And a little of that...

We got to this...

And finally ended up with this...

And, boy, are we happy with the results!
We sit on the side of the tub with reckless abandon, bathe the kiddo two-on-one, and relish the refreshment a shower in the morning light brings to the soul!


  1. Wow - great work, Charlie! That makes a huge improvement. Now you just have to work on the water pressure. :-)

  2. For the record the water pressure was fixed over a year ago. Apparently that news never made it your way. (I guess that's not as exciting as a shower curtain.) Well, let me entice you to visit St. Louis again where the door is wide open and the water will sting you.
