Voices live in every finite being,
Often undivined, near silence.
Hear them!
Hear them in you! in others!
They sense truth deep in all life;
They know the things true Pilgrims stand for.
Stand out!
Come to Him without the things the world brings;
Come to Him!
As a child and as a poor man.
He had all. He gave all.

~Charles Ives

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Today is the Day

On our fourth anniversary, I would like to publicly declare how much I love Charlie Dey: very much.

Some reflections: Standing at this early milestone (I ask God to give us many more), I already have a heart-full of memories of survivals and failures, of love lost and won. I know that each event in our life together has given us a weapon - a tool, for those of you who prefer not to think of marriage as a war - with which we can better face the future. Everyone has their own story. I think ours is going to be a good one, and it is a unique and beautiful feeling.

Thank you family and friends who have spoken up to protect what we have sometimes forgotten was important. Your words of encouragement and rebuke are what enable me now to look hopefully and joyfully to the future. God is on our side "come what may."


  1. Love this post and love you both! Hey, that almost rhymes!

  2. Love it! Happy Anniversary my dear friend! Love you!

  3. Happy Anniversary my dear friend. Marraige most definately has its hard times, and the times when we have to be reminded of what is important! But it is worth it and a blessing from the Lord. God bless you both.
